Multivitamin and Multi-mineral for Denture Wearers – Brand New Product!

How OnePro Diet helps Denture Wearers
• As you adjust to your new full or partial dentures during the initial break-in period or if you have immediate dentures, your eating habits will likely change in the short term. After you have successfully adjusted to your new dentures and are returning to eating normally, you will continue to need the support of a special multivitamin.
• Research was performed by the Human Nutrition Research Center of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Nutritional Status Study on denture wearers which showed that denture wears have certain vitamin requirements that are different than those with natural teeth.
• As a result, Mid-Continental designed a special multivitamin and multi-mineral formula based on this research that addresses the specific needs of denture wearers. OnePro supports the general health and nutrition of denture wearers.
• Your dental professional will let you know if you need to take a special dosage depending on where you are in your process of breaking in your dentures , if you have immediate dentures and your general health. Contact Us today to find a dental professional near you where you can get OnePro Diet!
• OnePro Diet is an easy to swallow capsule manufactured in Canada under cGMP conditions meaning you can be assured of high quality manufacturing processes and ingredients. The Health Canada registration number is NPN 80046091. It is available across the country in the offices of dental professionals in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
• Made by your trusted denture partner for over 30 years! – Download Brochure